EvE visits Chicago – Theaster Gates

This past week Anthony EvE Kemp visited Stoney Island Art Bank (a dedicated art building/gallery of Theaster Gates) in South Chicago. Eve will be visiting Chicago often, as his mentor Theaster has laid the all-important ground work for the vision that will be replicated in Flint, MI and beyond.

Eve visited Chicago to visit the locales of Theaster Gates vision and to celebrate his birthday, April 15, 2016.

EvE in Chicago






EvE’s vision of S.P.A.R.K. Art Project is being even more realized of how his past twenty years in and around the Los Angeles community has “sparked” the passion of re-building his hometown of Flint.

stony island art bank Stony Isand Theaster pic2








Stay tuned for more news on a visit to Flint MI and a fundraiser in Los Angeles in the coming month.

Contact EvE